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Document license
You may freely distribute or give away these models to others without prior permission from the designer, you may modify with the credit to Dung0beetle or the original modeler where applicable. Feel free to add any of these paper models to your website or blog, with the link to
Uploading to mass file storage for public view is forbidden, including, but not limited to, 4shared, rapidshare, mediafire and others which provide similar service.
All images are copyrighted. Permission is granted ONLY for non-commercial personal use. They may not be duplicated in any form, including electronic, mechanical or printed, for sale. All rights are reserved and duplication by any means,including, but not limited to, methods of printing, electronic storage and disk copies, is prohibited without permission. If you wish to use this artwork and instructions for other than your own personal use, PLEASE contact for written permission.
No Warranty is provided whatsoever. This material is provided on an as-is basis with no support and no warranty. All real life objects belong to its respective owners and designers.
Dung0beetle is in no way affiliated with any trademarked organization and does not intend harm, financial or otherwise to any owner of the likenesses contained within these files.
You may freely distribute or give away these models to others without prior permission from the designer, you may modify with the credit to Dung0beetle or the original modeler where applicable. Feel free to add any of these paper models to your website or blog, with the link to
Uploading to mass file storage for public view is forbidden, including, but not limited to, 4shared, rapidshare, mediafire and others which provide similar service.
All images are copyrighted. Permission is granted ONLY for non-commercial personal use. They may not be duplicated in any form, including electronic, mechanical or printed, for sale. All rights are reserved and duplication by any means,including, but not limited to, methods of printing, electronic storage and disk copies, is prohibited without permission. If you wish to use this artwork and instructions for other than your own personal use, PLEASE contact for written permission.
No Warranty is provided whatsoever. This material is provided on an as-is basis with no support and no warranty. All real life objects belong to its respective owners and designers.
Dung0beetle is in no way affiliated with any trademarked organization and does not intend harm, financial or otherwise to any owner of the likenesses contained within these files.
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